Aquatic Weed Spraying

Kia ora koutou,

Boat based spraying of aquatic weed is being carried out on Lake Wanaka using the herbicide diquat, today Wednesday 18th May 2022. This will exclude weekends and public holidays.

The following sites may be targeted for treatment:

Lake Wanaka

  • Glendhu Bay
  • Glendhu Bluff Bay
  • Parkins Bay
  • Paddock Bay
  • Fern Burn
  • Wanaka Marina
  • Eely Point
  • Roys Bay



Diquat in gel form will be used to treat aquatic weeds. This work is dependent on suitable weed, water and weather conditions and therefore the timing is subject to change.

Please find attached a factsheet prepared by NIWA providing information on Diquat.

Advertisements have been placed in the Otago Daily Times to notify the public of this operation.


We recommend a 24 hour stand-down on swimming, fishing or taking water for irrigation and domestic supply during and once the spraying is complete. This stand down will end at 7:00pm Thursday 19th May.

If you have questions in relation to this work, please feel free to call us on 0800 638 943 or keep up to date with treatment progress nearer to the time on the LINZ website.

Ngā mihi
