March Marina Update

As we ease gently into Autumn you will have seen the level of the lake has risen again which has prevented us from continuing with the Marina area dredging. We are keeping a constant watch on the conditions and if they improve action will be taken.

An application of Diquat was completed on the 24th of February. Initial signs are it was a successful operation but will remain a six monthly feature until eradicated, if ever. Financial support was requested from QLDC, ORC and LINZ but was declined as it was pointed out Wanaka Marina Limited is responsible for an area within 50 metres of the Marina.

Finally the handrail was constructed at the Marina last week. You will also see Craig is trying to improve the area by seeding the area.

QLDC informed us that stage 5 of the Lakefront development has been improved which will involve the construction of a safe crossing from the new boardwalk to the footpath between the wall and the parking spaces, a foot/ cycle path in front of the toilets and then a foot/cycle path behind the yachts which will join up with the Eely point reserve. There is currently no time frame announced for this.

Please remember Craig is always on hand for advice and assistance and offers an excellent service when it comes to ropes, fenders and generally looking after the marina and boats on berths.

Sale of berths has been very interesting during the summer with considerable interest. WML continue to offer the service of leasing you berth for rent or sales with some great returns.

Mike Barker