August Newsletter

Wanaka Marina are delighted to announce that Les Wilson is a newly appointed director of the company. The other members of the board look forward to working with Les in the future.
New telephone numbers to be attached to each berth have been produced by Wanaka signs and will soon be fitted on the boardwalks. Please let us know if you have any changes to your contact details so we can make amendments where necessary.
The pathway is still awaiting consent by QLDC. They have now said the delay is because they are waiting for Iwi approval. A price has been obtained from the contractors completing the waterfront development but we were advised no top coat surfacing is applied between May and September (QLDC policy)
After over a year of asking for the delta build up problem to be resolved by QLDC they have finally said it is not their problem and we should approach ORC. We have engaged Patterson Pitts to assist us with this issue and have submitted a consent request to dredge the area. Whilst waiting for this the lake has risen again so it is unlikely anything will be done now until the level drops considerably.
The recent bad weather, especially on Friday the 5th of August brought a serious WNW wind which caused some problems for one boat owner. (See picture)
Please can we remind berth holders that it is your responsibility to make sure your vessels are properly secured and to check them during forecast extreme weather.
Craig our manager had only been back on board a day when this happened and it is due to his diligence the matter was not far worse not only for the owner but also for potential for damage to the marina.
If anyone has any questions please do not hesitate to contact us and we will get back to you as soon as  possible.
Mike Barker