Foreshore Development Input

Wānaka Marina director, Mike Barker, has been in consultation with QLDC regarding Stage 5 of the overall Wānaka Lakefront Development Plan and how it impacts access and safety around the entrance to the marina.

To learn more, view the Key Stakeholder Consultation note, HERE



As previously discussed we have been working with our design team to improve the access connection to the marina. As you are aware the levels and space available in this area make it difficult to develop a fully compliant access at this location. The accessible grade requirement as per the building code cannot be achieved in this location, however we can comply with the QLDC track design standards and spec for a grade 3 track which has a max gradient of 8 degrees. We are also proposing to install handrails in this location to improve the safety and accessibility of the access. To best achieve this solution we are intending to proceed with the below design which we wanted to table with yourselves ahead of engaging on the detailed design.