Winter at Wanaka Marina

August Update

Quiet time of year for the Marina but still plenty going on in the background as the team look to the future. I always think it’s good to have a plan.

I’m sure those of you that are local have noticed how much the lake has dropped and yes now would be an ideal opportunity to dredge the area of sediment build-up, but the contractors are very busy with larger projects at the moment. Craig is on the case and will continue to chase them
By the time of the AGM (late November) the board is going to need another director in order to function. This can be a very rewarding post and at the end of the day the Marina belongs to all the 79 shareholders so we all have a vested interest.
At the last board meeting, it was unanimously agreed that we should investigate the possibility of replacing the entire Marina structure.  We have explored this with research at Frankton with a modern lightweight concrete structure, telescopic piles, and also the possibility of a breakwater to replace the old jetty which would have public access. I have approached a number of companies capable of such a task and Bellingham who constructed Frankton are the only ones capable at the moment. We hope to meet with them on-site next month.
Obviously, a big part of the decision-making process will be cost, some of which will have to come from the shareholders. However, if a design was possible that allowed for four extra berths these could be sold by Wanaka Marina and it would potentially halve the final cost. Whilst on that subject some berths have recently been sold privately. I know that they have sold in some cases for less than if we sell by tender through WML and the income from it helps offset our costs, so if you want the best possible return for your sale please consider us first.
This would be a 5-year plan as the applications would be a big issue. In August 2024 the 4 year renewable consent for part of the Marina expires. We have already approached QLDC about this but they won’t entertain an application until next January. By then it would be advantageous to hit them with our proposal for the future. The board welcomes your views, advice, or offers of help in is proposed that Craig will be the project manager, but will need support, and hopefully, we can find a new board member who is prepared to join him on this exciting project.
The Wanaka Coastguard do a great job with their jolly bunch of volunteers and WML continues to support them. By joining as a member you are entitled to free recovery on the lake. The cost of membership is a fraction of the cost of one recovery so worth considering this summer for those unexpected mishaps.
Mike Barker