Category Archives: News

Wanaka Lakefront Development Project

Wanaka Lakeshore Stage 5

Stage 5 – Wanaka Marina & Yacht Club

QLDC is set to begin work on Stage 5 of the Lakeshore Development Project this coming July. The project will include the construction of a shared cycle and walking path adjacent to the Marina. Access to the parking area will be limited during this time due to construction, however the Marina will remain open and lakeside parking will remain. Work is expected to be completed by October, 24.

Lakefront Development_STAGE 5_2024-04-05

August Update

Winter at Wanaka Marina

Quiet time of year for the Marina but still plenty going on in the background as the team look to the future. I always think it’s good to have a plan.

I’m sure those of you that are local have noticed how much the lake has dropped and yes now would be an ideal opportunity to dredge the area of sediment build-up, but the contractors are very busy with larger projects at the moment. Craig is on the case and will continue to chase them
By the time of the AGM (late November) the board is going to need another director in order to function. This can be a very rewarding post and at the end of the day the Marina belongs to all the 79 shareholders so we all have a vested interest.
At the last board meeting, it was unanimously agreed that we should investigate the possibility of replacing the entire Marina structure.  We have explored this with research at Frankton with a modern lightweight concrete structure, telescopic piles, and also the possibility of a breakwater to replace the old jetty which would have public access. I have approached a number of companies capable of such a task and Bellingham who constructed Frankton are the only ones capable at the moment. We hope to meet with them on-site next month.
Obviously, a big part of the decision-making process will be cost, some of which will have to come from the shareholders. However, if a design was possible that allowed for four extra berths these could be sold by Wanaka Marina and it would potentially halve the final cost. Whilst on that subject some berths have recently been sold privately. I know that they have sold in some cases for less than if we sell by tender through WML and the income from it helps offset our costs, so if you want the best possible return for your sale please consider us first.
This would be a 5-year plan as the applications would be a big issue. In August 2024 the 4 year renewable consent for part of the Marina expires. We have already approached QLDC about this but they won’t entertain an application until next January. By then it would be advantageous to hit them with our proposal for the future. The board welcomes your views, advice, or offers of help in is proposed that Craig will be the project manager, but will need support, and hopefully, we can find a new board member who is prepared to join him on this exciting project.
The Wanaka Coastguard do a great job with their jolly bunch of volunteers and WML continues to support them. By joining as a member you are entitled to free recovery on the lake. The cost of membership is a fraction of the cost of one recovery so worth considering this summer for those unexpected mishaps.
Mike Barker

Marina Electricity and Fuel Outage Notice


Trustpower NZ will be carrying out infrastructure maintenance in the area on MAY 16, 2023 from 830am – 510pm

This will mean that the Marina and fuel dock will be without electricity during that time. Please note that the fuel station requires electricity to function, and will not be operational for this period.

Marina Manager, Craig Fahey, will be on-site throughout the day and can be reached at 021 0833 5771 if urgent assistance is required.



May Marina Update

There is not a lot to report from the Board since the last update which in a way is a good thing as we could all do without any dramas.

The lagarosiphon treatment was conducted by Aquateq in February and the results look promising. Despite our best efforts QLDC, LINZ or ORC refuse to pay for this as it was agreed many years ago that the Marina company would be responsible for weed treatment in a 50 metre radius of the marina. Other areas are being treated but it will be an ongoing problem for many years to come. Ben, Mike and Craig attended the Lake Wanaka Weed management meeting in Wanaka on Wednesday the 10th of May. There have been some positive results around the Lake the best reported in the vicinity of the Marina.
In March the handrail at the entrance to the Marina was finally installed. Craig has seeded the area and it is clearly looking a lot better.
QLDC have said they now have approval for the continuation of the Waterfront development at the marina end of the new boardwalk. It is proposed to establish a route for pedestrians and cyclists that will be along the footpath that exists, in front of the toilets block then behind the yacht club park eventually joining the walkway nearer to Eely Point.
At the last Board meeting the future of the Marina was discussed at great length. It is clear we can not expect the Marina built over 30 years ago that was only expected to last for 12 to go on indefinitely.
Though it is in the very early stages of discussion and exploration, a 5 year plan to replace the entire Marina is being considered. Insurance company assessors have given us a quote to replace the marina with a modern concrete lightweight structure with less telescopic piles similar to the Frankton design. there is a lot of work to do gaining consent, contractors and finance but it appears to be achievable and would be a considerable asset for all stakeholders. It is hoped with a new design that a further 4 berths could be incorporated which could be sold and would go directly towards the cost. Craig and I spent a few hours at Frankton examining the structure and discussing the construction with the manager. It is very impressive. (See photographs)
We are also exploring the possibility of a breakwater which would replace the existing old public jetty and extend up to 100 metres into the lake. This would also be accessible to the public and would house the fuel station and grey water pump. The idea would also be to allow members of the public launching their boats to tie up briefly whilst parking trailers. This we would hope would be a joint effort and funding with QLDC. They have talked about removing it for several years and this would be a great solution
Quentin Smith was consulted on site and raised no objections to the project.
By the time the next AGM comes we hope to have some facts and figures available for you all but in the meantime if you have any suggestions please feel free to get in touch. We would appreciate your feedback and all correspondence will be replied too.
Frankton Marina Facility
Sadly despite our best efforts it still has not been possible to dredge the area causing problems between the Lakeside development and the marina. The lake level has defeated us. Just as we were about to do it towards the end of April the rains started and now it has made access impossible. We are continuing to monitor the situation but it may be a while before the lake drops again.
Craig is away in June for 4 weeks. James Blunt (0210432077)  will step up in his absence for most of that period and contact details will be posted here. Craig Blake (021616700) will cover between the 15th-19th. 
Please continue to monitor the website.
Mike Barker

Marina Weed Treatment Status

Marina Aquatic Weed

On the last day of April, we took to the air to get a view of the current state of the Lagarosiphon spread around Roys Bay and the Wanaka Marina complex.

The team from Aquatec completed the application of Diquat as a weed control measure in Roys Bay, on Feb 22nd.
Several site visits have been made since then and Boffamiscal is reporting a successful application and that there was a very good “take’ of the treatment.

Wanaka Marina Weed Control








Marina managers will be attending the annual Lake Wanaka Lagarosiphon Management Committee meeting  on May 10th hosted by the LINZ Biosecurity and Biodiversity Team

The draft agenda is:

  • An overview of 2022/23 control works
  • A summary of NIWA scientific monitoring results
  • A summary of NIWA scientific monitoring results
  • An update on any additional works LINZ has underway at this site
  • Round table discussion looking at priorities for the 2023/24 season


Check below for frequently asked questions published from NIWA relating to the Use of Diquat and the need for control of Lagarosiphon

Diquat FAQ Download


Lost Boat Carpets

There has been a set of boat carpets left on the marina inside the entrance gate. After a few days of not being claied, I have now taken them to dry storage. If these yours and you wish to have them back, please call the marina manager, Craig, on 02108335771

March Marina Update

As we ease gently into Autumn you will have seen the level of the lake has risen again which has prevented us from continuing with the Marina area dredging. We are keeping a constant watch on the conditions and if they improve action will be taken.

An application of Diquat was completed on the 24th of February. Initial signs are it was a successful operation but will remain a six monthly feature until eradicated, if ever. Financial support was requested from QLDC, ORC and LINZ but was declined as it was pointed out Wanaka Marina Limited is responsible for an area within 50 metres of the Marina.

Finally the handrail was constructed at the Marina last week. You will also see Craig is trying to improve the area by seeding the area.

QLDC informed us that stage 5 of the Lakefront development has been improved which will involve the construction of a safe crossing from the new boardwalk to the footpath between the wall and the parking spaces, a foot/ cycle path in front of the toilets and then a foot/cycle path behind the yachts which will join up with the Eely point reserve. There is currently no time frame announced for this.

Please remember Craig is always on hand for advice and assistance and offers an excellent service when it comes to ropes, fenders and generally looking after the marina and boats on berths.

Sale of berths has been very interesting during the summer with considerable interest. WML continue to offer the service of leasing you berth for rent or sales with some great returns.

Mike Barker

Lagarosiphon Control

After some delays due to weather, the team from Aquatec completed the application of Diquat as a weed control measure in Roys bay, today Feb 22nd.

NIWA information states that Diquat has no risk for human health at the concentrations used for submerged weed control under prescribed use. As a precaution, it is recommended lake and river users in New Zealand don’t swim or fish in areas of lakes or rivers treated with diquat for 24 hours. As there is no fishing or swimming permitted on the Marina, this should not affect Marina use in any way.

Check below for frequently asked questions published from NIWA relating to the Use of Diquat and the need for control of Lagarosiphon

Diquat FAQ Download


Lagarosiphon Control Efforts

Ongoing efforts continue to manage the Lagarosiphon outbreak in Lake Wanaka and around the Marina.

The Board and operations team have been actively pursuing weed management solutions and have been pushing to get contractors on site ASAP. We hope to see this happen in February if conditions allow.

We are also working to create awareness of the scale of the problem with council, as much of Roys Bay has a significant Lagarosiphon bloom, and and efforts to rid the marina of the weed need to be part of a larger coordinated program to ensure any possibility of long term success.

Video from Craig’s recent dive assessment below.

More to come..


January Board Meeting Update

On Monday the 30th of January all the board members were present together with the company secretary to discuss the following subjects relating to Wanaka Marina.
Craig Fahey has completed the essential maintenance at the Southern end of the Marina. The time and materials required went over the maintenance budget but there was sufficient funds to cope with this. There are no anticipated large projects in the next 12 months but this very much depends on the weather.
The time of year has come when we need to review and request quotes for insurance cover. As stated in previous years only one company QBE were prepared to insure the Marina. We are approaching AON, Vision, (current brokers) and Marsh( Frankton Marina brokers) to find the best possible policy for us. Efforts are also being made to obtain an idea of the cost of replacement of the Marina for a new and modern structure which may assist us in the future.
It is hoped that work will commence in February 2023 to remove as much of the silt that has built up between the inside of the Marina and the new boardwalk. Craig is working closely with the earth movers to get this completed. Conditions, with the level being so low are good and hopefully will improve with the dry weather we are experiencing.
Still nothing from QLDC regarding the hand rail for the pathway entrance. This may be to our advantage as access to the lake is required for the removal of the silt.
The Lagarosiphon continues to grow and spread, not just around the Marina but the entire lake. Although we are actively trying to get this dealt with there is only one company for the whole of New Zealand that is able to deliver the treatment and they are in high demand. Again we are hoping it will be undertaken in February.
The financials are are looking healthy. Enquiries are underway with our legal advisor regarding the FMC and our ability to become exempt from annual auditing. This is proving to be a complex issue but we hope to have an answer soon.
The Coastguard vessel will be leaving the Marina soon for its more permanent home at Eely point. This follows the sale of berth 16. Berth 78 also sold and the returns for the owners were very good. please remember WML are there to assist with your sales and rentals at anytime. Details are available on the website of any current sales.
During the summer there were no Health and Safety issues reported or any complaints of damage or theft from the Marina. This we believe is due to Craig’s presence and planning as we aim to keep the site hazard free and up to date with maintenance issues. Please remember he is always available for advice and the supply of ropes and fenders.
The next board meeting is due on the 17th of March when another update will be made available.
Mike Barker